Dear New SC Bar Admittees,


 November 17, 2008

Dear New SC Bar Admittees,

Welcome to the profession. You have entered the same profession of President-Elect Barack Obama, Clarence Darrow, William Jennings Bryan, Alexis de Tocqueville, Franz Kafka, Francis Scott Key, Tim Russert, Justice John G. Roberts, South Carolina Chief Justice Jean Hoefer Toal, U.S. Ambassador to Canada David Horton Wilkins, and former 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Chief Judge William Wilkins to name a few.

Take a few moments to bask in your new role of attorney at law, legal counselor or lawyer (you choose your own term). You’ve worked hard and deserve a moment to reflect on the road you’ve taken and the road ahead. You will hit some potholes (cases you lose, unhappy clients). You’ll have some smooth road (case wins, happy clients). You may even take a few turns (change in practice areas or firms). Just make sure you stay on the road (communicate with your clients, pay your dues, meet your CLE requirements in a timely fashion,  follow the rules) and that you stay alert to avoid accidents (don’t lie, cheat or steal).

Now take a few minutes to think about your responsibilities to the profession. Ok, take a few more.

Now breathe.

You’re going to be fine. Think about mentors – both within and outside your firms. Think about organizing your time. Think about building your networks. Think about balancing your work and home life. Add in some ideas about access to justice – volunteering for the SC Bar’s Pro Bono Program, signing up to be a PAI attorney with SCLS, or donating to the SC Bar Foundation,

If you have questions, please let me know. I hope you enjoy this profession as much as I.

